Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ok, I've been writing in my journal (kinda writing a story, in a way) every night since the 16th because I'm really emotional that my second Celtic Woman concert is over. I'm gonna eventually transfer it all here, but for now, I'll just write the entry I wrote on the 16th.
I have had the pleasure of seeing my angels twice so far, and the 2nd time, I was lucky enough to see the second act from the 4th row, and, not only get smiles from 4 gorgeous angels, but a lot of eye contact and smiles from my favorite choir member as well! :)
I am still floating in heaven from the smile that the fabulous Mrs. Lisa Kelly dorected at me, and it hurts to not know when I will have the pleasure of seeing these Irish angels again, and to not be in their presence any longer. While I am waiting for my next evening in heaven, and for my favorite Celtic Woman to give my heart back, I've decided to write about how much these girls mean to me, since I enjoy writing, and I'm hoping this can slowly start to mend my "wounded heart" and my hurting soul.
I thought I was changed after my first evening in heaven with these girls on March 24, 2010 after the amazing Miss Agnew smiled at me. If only I had been prepared for the feelings and heartbreak my second concert would bring.
From that afternoon in December 1009, when I never dreamed I would have my wildest dream come true, to 4 days after my second Celtic Woman concert, so much has happened, and these girls have opened my heart and my eyes to such a beautiful world.
I can still remember that moment during that seemingly normal December afternoon when an Irish angel~Lisa Kelly, changed my life.

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